There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.


Thursday, June 20, 2019


Writing has been pushed aside for quite a while. This morning I woke very early with lots on my mind and a yen to get something on paper [ok-on computer] not being quite sure what yet. 

Of course nothing happens before coffee, coffee and coffee and a little reading to get the brain cells going.  I went to page 5 of  "The Book of Mysteries" by Jonathan Cahn-today's mystery is-what will the days yet to come bring to your life-and the title of the article is "appointing your days".

 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Psalms 90:12 

The Hebrew word, manah, is explained as meaning to prepare and to appoint.  Would it be that the manna God prepared and appointed to the Israelites in the wilderness is akin to the word manah?

Do you think it coincidence that yesterday my sister, Shirley, and I were discussing our conversations with our loved ones on taking control of their lives instead of their lives controlling them? Of course, we didn't leave ourselves out of that equation and today preparing for our lives is the first thing I read about this morning-coincidence?- I think not.

And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.
Psalms 90:17 

Is it an accident that on top of pages of my writings from years ago is my poem "JUST" dealing with controlling our lives?

It 'just' started with such little things,
'just' a little sneaking around, 'just' little disobeyings. 

'Just' ignoring God's very own commandments,
'just' not putting God first, 'just' not honoring his parents.

'Just' trying that very first cigarette,
'just' thinking  he'd never have to look back in regret.

Then the justs 'just' got easier and crazier-
'just' to have more fun and feel a little jazzier. 

So, then he had to try 'just' a little smoke-
'just' for that higher high he craved when he awoke.

And 'just' to intensify his mood, 'just' help him think-
he began to add 'just' a little drink. 

Now, he's lost his home and family, sees life with disgust
at all the destruction caused by 'just' those 'little justs'.

It is 'just' Satan's greatest fairy tale, 'just' his biggest piece of fiction-
that all those 'little justs' won't destroy us with addiction. 

If we 'just' stand on God's Word, keep all His commandments-
we'll find our true need is 'just' God's love, God's peace and 
God's contentment. 

  Addiction affects so many families, so many children it is heartbreaking, mine included.   

I didn't put a date on "JUST" so not quite sure when it was written-probably early 2000's. I was in a rather prolific writing phase during those years that I haven't been in for a while. Ideas would come to mind and roll onto paper. 
These promises caught my eye this morning for our old age. We shall bring forth fruit in our old age-ok-if you aren't old yet just skip past these but I like them. The fat and flourishing I wasn't too keen on but that means -vital and green-so YES ! I am vital and green and can bring forth fruit even in my old age AND boy, am I getting old!

 Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. 14 They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing
Psalms 92:13-14 

God bless you
Carolyn Wainscott


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sharing my writings-"SUCCESS"

A lot of life has happened in the last 1 1/2 year since I wrote in  TheAlabasterBox. Maybe one of these days I will get caught up. 

For now the LORD has been impressing upon me to share some of my past writings/poems. 

The poem "SUCCESS" is dated 2000 when it was given to me. I usually date everything so I can remember. It has been on my mind for some weeks now, I looked for it a couple of weeks ago but it didn't jump into my hand.  This morning it kinda, sorta did after reading other things that I had forgotten about that will probably be used  at some point. 

Anyway-here is


What do you think when you think of success?
Do you think as the world-if you have nothing less
than fast, showy cars and designer dress
and live on the hill so you can impress
all the "right" people with your style and finesse?
Or that you are a failure and filled with distress
because a plain little house is all you possess
and a tee time's a luxury because you don't have access
to the country club and your life's empty unless
you're at the top of the heap in your own business?
 Hmm, what do you think when you think of success?
Would you give it some thought and may I suggest
that you think on The Man who gave us His best?
For though He had little just His nearness
gave sight to the blind and hope to the hopeless.
His goal that we may have life at its fullest
meant a sacrifice no one else could accomplish.
Even nailed to the tree bore us no bitterness
though abandoned by most to His own emptiness. 
So, what do you think when you think of success?
If you'll think on The Man I know you'll confess
the way you live is your greatest success,
sharing with those who have so much less,
giving a child a kiss and caress,
treating others with love and kindness
and being content with God's awesomeness.
Yes, think on The Man who's our LORD, the purest and finest
for when you have Him you don't need all the rest. 

 As the quote from the poem of C. T. Studd:
Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

When God calls us home, none of us will take any material thing we have gathered and we leave our legacy behind be it material or a life all yours can look up to and be proud of.

God bless you
Carolyn Wainscott